




1康奈尔大学维尔医学院 Medical College,Cornell University (Weill)2 加州大学戴维斯研究生院 Graduate Studies,North Carolina State University--Raleigh3 科罗拉多州立大学研究生院 Graduate School,University of Pennsylvania5 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校医学和公共健康学院 School of Medicine and Public Health,Ohio State University--Columbus8 德州农工大学研究生院 Graduate School,


在美国最好的医学院2009年排名最佳研究学校:32威斯康星大学33科罗拉多大学34达特茅斯医学院35南加州大学36俄勒冈健康与科学37明尼苏达大学38犹他大学39波士顿大学40布朗大学41马里兰大学42威克森林大学43塔夫茨大学44俄亥俄州立大学45佛罗里达大学46辛辛那提大学47迈阿密大学48杰弗逊医学院49马萨诸塞大学50印第安纳大学 - 印第安纳波利斯 美国医师执照考试第一阶段美国医师执照考试第一部(英文:第一阶段为基础医学考试,第一阶段的试题一般来说是测验考生解读图表的能力,以及如何将基本医学知识应用到临床问题上。第一阶段的测验费用是810美金。考生必须拥有医学毕业文凭或至少在医学院内完成两年医学教育。这项考试的分数非常具有竞争性且对任何一位想要在美国当医生的人非常重要,主要原因在於几乎所有的医院都以此考试作为入取住院医生的其中一个主要标准,有的甚至规定只有达到某个分数以上的学生方能有机会申请,皮肤科在美国是被公认的竞争最激烈的专科,[编辑]美国医师执照考试第二阶段这部分的考试测试医学生的应用医学知识和临床技术的能力。美国医学生在4年级的时候会报考该考试。[编辑]美国医师执照考试第二阶段之临床知识第二阶段临床医学考试,内科、产科学、妇科医学、小儿科、预防药品、精神医学、外科及其它提供医疗照顾之相关领域。考题著重於临床情况之描述、提供诊断和预后等等;第二阶段试题通常会要求考生解读图表与分析实验室资料。考生必须医学院毕业或至少在十二个月内可完成完整的医学教育。[编辑]美国医师执照考试第二阶段之临床诊断能力1997年7月1日起,USMLE STEP2增加了临床诊断能力的测验,其测验目的主要是测验临床诊断能力与英文会话,考生需在现场以英语帮病人正确诊断。所有考生都必须在美国考。需先通过STEP1、STEP2后才可参加CSA考试。目前该项考试只能在以下的地点考:




美国医学哪个学校最好呢?最近有很多学生咨询美国医学院的问题,下面给大家总结一下美国排名前十的医学院供大家选校的时候参考。$102,Mo.华盛顿大学医学院 Tuition:Durham,surgery (general);Stanford,196 Fees:$621 Room and Board:$24,162 Average Indebtedness$500 Room and Board:590 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates:Mich.密西根大学医学院 Tuition:928 (in state);$44,$4,750 Room and Board:$131,665 Most Popular Programs:radiology (diagnostic);and surgery (general). 通过上面对美国医学哪个学校最好的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好申请美国研究生的准备和规划。


美国医学哪个学校最好呢?最近有很多学生咨询美国医学院的问题,下面给大家总结一下美国排名前十的医学院供大家选校的时候参考。 1. HarvardMedicalSchool, Boston. 哈佛 Tuition: $45,050 Fees: $3,467 Room and Board: $12,900 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $103,663 Total Enrollment: 725 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurology surgery; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology. 2. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 宾州医学院 Tuition: $43,960 Fees: $3,212 Room and Board: $18,796 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $119,800 Total Enrollment: 608 Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; internal medicine; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 3. JohnsHopkinsUniversity, Baltimore. 霍普金斯大学医学院 Tuition: $41,200 Fees: $4,810 Room and Board: $17,986 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $102,376 Total Enrollment: 463 Most Popular Residency Programs: Anesthesiology; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; otolaryngology; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 4. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.华盛顿大学医学院 Tuition: $48,800 Fees: $0 Room and Board: $10,542 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $100,275 Total Enrollment: 493 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; and radiology (diagnostic). 5 (Tie). Duke University, Durham, N.C. 杜克大学医学院 Tuition: $44,482 Fees: $3,221 Room and Board: $14,160 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $112,792 Total Enrollment: 422 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; internal medicine (pediatrics); ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); surgery (general); and urology. 5 (Tie). Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.斯坦福大学医学院 Tuition: $44,196 Fees: $621 Room and Board: $24,162 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $90,006 Total Enrollment: 456 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 5 (Tie). University of California, San Francisco. 加州大学旧金山分校医学院 Tuition: $0 (in state); $12,245 (out of state) Fees: $30,474 Room and Board: $19,636 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $105,314 Total Enrollment: 618 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 5 (Tie). Yale University, New Haven, Conn.耶鲁大学医学院 Tuition: $45,600 Fees: $500 Room and Board: $11,590 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $122,247 Total Enrollment: 382 Most Popular Programs: Dermatology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; neurological surgery; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and radiation oncology. 9. University of Washington, Seattle. 华盛顿大学医学院 Tuition: $23,049 (in state); $52,029 (out of state) Fees: $475 Room and Board: $15,843 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $121,193 Total Enrollment: 926 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; dermatology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; orthopedic surgery; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 10 (Tie). Columbia University, New York. 哥伦比亚大学医学院 Tuition: $46,212 Fees: $4,750 Room and Board: $15,531 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385 Total Enrollment: 638 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; orthopedic surgery; pediatrics; psychiatry; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 10. (Tie) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.密西根大学医学院 Tuition: $27,928 (in state); $44,666 (out of state) Fees: $4,750 Room and Board: $15,531 Average Indebtedness of 2009 Graduates: $131,385 Total Enrollment: 665 Most Popular Programs: Anesthesiology; emergency medicine; family practice; internal medicine; obstetrics and gynecology; ophthalmology; pathology (anatomic and clinical); pediatrics; radiology (diagnostic); and surgery (general). 通过上面对美国医学哪个学校最好的解读,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好申请美国研究生的准备和规划。




