




GIS没有官方排名,不过学术圈有自己的一套评价可以参考:第一档:UCSB。第二档:PSU、MSU、Ohio State、ASU、Wisconsin。第三档:Clark、Minnesota、Maryland、UIUC、Buffalo、Oregon、USCarolina、UW、UAZ、UT Austin、Maine、SDSU、Indiana。以上都算一流水平的。第四档:Tennessee、KSU、Albany、Oklahoma、TAMU、Kentucky、CU Boulder、Nebraska、Wyoming、Ohio、UT Dallas、Ball State、JHU、Oregon State、Iowa、ISU。以上算准一流水平的。此外还有一些特殊的,比如UPenn在城市规划项目里面有GIS,但没有专门的地理系。UMich在环境生态方向有GIS,比较新的项目,还算不错。


阿拉巴马 Alabama阿拉巴马州小档案:人口:阿拉斯加州小档案,人口。000面积:面积排名第一首都,没有州税:一些城市或地区会收 6% 的税外加物品和服务的特别税:(A)石 油,产 于 本 州 北 极海 岸(北 斜 坡)之 普 鲁 德 厚 湾Prudhoe Bay岸。然 后 用 油 船 运 到 美 国 西 岸,亚利桑那州小档案:人口:000面积:面积排名第六首都:一些城市会加收如旅馆税等。(A)西 南 部 是 沙 漠 区。阿肯色州ARKANSAS面 积;在 小 石。加州 California加州小档案:美国第叁大州首都:加州州税 7.25%,其他县会加收 0.25 到 1.25%加 利 福 尼 亚 州 简 称 加 州,科罗拉多 Colorado科罗拉多州小档案。人口:600面积,面积排名第八首都,一些地方会多收其他税,一些城市或县会多收不超过 2% 的旅馆税,Red”一 八 六 七。康乃狄克州 Connecticut康乃狄克州州旗 康乃狄克州小档案。人口:900面积,面积排名第四十八首都,娱乐设施收 10% 门票税,在有歌舞助兴的餐厅收 5% 的娱乐税,其 地 在 哈。佛罗里达州 Florida佛罗里达州旗 佛罗里达州小档案:人口:900面积:面积排名第二十二首都:一些县会加收 1% 税和游客发展及冲击税。因 为 它 是 美 国 东 岸 各 州 之。乔治亚州 Georgia乔治亚州旗 乔治亚州小档案:地方保留加税的权利乔 治 亚 州,Wisdom,夏威夷州 Hawaii夏威夷州州旗 夏威夷州小档案:人口:600面积:面积排名第四十七首都:如果居住在夏威夷没有超过连续 180 天还有 5% 的居住税。每 天 进 出 檀 香 山 国 际。八 九 ○ 公 里。



GIS没有官方排名,UCSB。PSU、MSU、Ohio State、ASU、Wisconsin。Clark、Minnesota、Maryland、UIUC、Buffalo、Oregon、USCarolina、UW、UAZ、UT Austin、Maine、SDSU、Indiana。


美国纽约州西部安大略湖岸工业城市,位于安大略湖的南岸,属于门罗郡,也是郡治所在。市民人口为212,是纽约州第三大城市。以之为中心的都会区2000年人口为1,罗切斯特有数所大学院校,其中最著名的为罗切斯特大学与罗切斯特理工学院(Rochester Institute of Technology)。其他的院校包括 Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School,


1 普林斯顿大学 (新泽西) Princeton University (NJ) 2 哈佛大学 (马萨诸塞) Harvard University (MA) 3 耶鲁大学 (康涅狄格) Yale University (CT) 4 加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology (CA) 4 斯坦佛大学 (加州) Stanford University (CA) 4 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA) 7 宾西法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania (PA) 8 杜克大学 (北卡) Duke University (NC) 9 达特茅斯学院 (新罕布什尔) Dartmouth College (NH) 9 哥伦比亚大学 (纽约) Columbia University (NY) 9 芝加哥大学 (伊利诺) University of Chicago (IL) 12 康奈尔大学 (纽约) Cornell University (NY) 12 圣露易斯华盛顿大学 (密苏里) Washington University in St. Louis (MO) 14 西北大学 (伊利诺) Northwestern University (IL) 15 布朗大学 (罗德岛) Brown University (RI) 16 约翰斯霍普金斯大学 (马里兰) Johns Hopkins University (MD) 17 莱斯大学 (德克萨斯) Rice University (TX) 18 范德堡大学 (田纳西) Vanderbilt University (TN) 18 挨默里大学 (乔治亚) Emory University (GA) 20 圣母大学 (印第安那) University of Notre Dame (IN) 21 卡内基梅隆 (宾西法尼亚) Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 21 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California-Berkeley* (CA) 23 乔治城大学 (华盛顿特区) Georgetown University (DC) 24 弗吉尼亚大学 University of Virginia* (VA) 24 密歇根大学安阿伯分校 University of California-Los Angeles* (CA) 26 加州大学洛杉矶分校 University of California-Los Angeles* (CA) 27 北卡大学教堂山分校 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill* (NC) 27 南加州大学 University of Southern California (CA) 27 塔夫斯大学 (马萨诸塞) Tufts University (MA) 30 维克森林大学 (北卡) Wake Forest University (NC) 31 威廉玛丽学院 (弗吉尼亚) College of William and Mary* (VA) 31 布兰迪大学 (马萨诸塞) Brandeis University (MA) 33 利哈伊大学 (宾西法尼亚) Lehigh University (PA) 34 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin-the State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick* (NJ) 65 渡大学西拉法叶校区 (印第安纳) Purdue University-West Lafayette* (IN) 65 荷华大学Riverside* (CA) 88 丹佛大学 (科罗多拉) University of Denver (CO) 88 霍华德大学 (华盛顿特区) Howard University (DC) 88 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas* (KS) 88 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校 University of Missouri?Columbia* (MO) 98 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona* (ZA) 98 太平洋大学 (加州) University of the Pacific (CA) 98 东北大学 (Amherst* (MA) 98 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 University of Nebraska?Lincoln* (NE) 98 纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry* (NY) 98 约州立大学石溪分校 SUNY?


教育部认可的美国德克萨斯州(Texas)大学名单 美国大学(按州和地区分布) 我9月去德州 A New Beginning School of Massage (Austin) Abilene Christian University (Abilene) Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology (Abilene) Academy of Cosmetology (Austin) Academy of Hair Design (Houston) Academy of Hair Design Inc. (Beaumont) Academy of Hair Design, Inc. (Lufkin) The Academy of Health Care Professions (Houston) Acres Home College of Barber Design (Houston) Advanced Barber College and Hair Design (Weslaco) AEC Texas Institute (Garland) AEC Texas Institute (Hurst) Aeronautical Institute of Technologies (Dallas) AIMS Academy (Grand Prairie) Allied Health Careers (Austin) Alvin Community College (Alvin) Amarillo College (Amarillo) Amarillo College of Beauty (Amarillo) Amberton University (Garland) American Commercial College (Abilene) American Commercial College (Lubbock) American Commercial College (Odessa) American Commercial College (San Angelo) American School of Business (Wichita Falls) AmesEd (Richardson) AnaMarc Educational Institute (El Paso) Angelina College (Lufkin) Angelo State University (San Angelo) Arlington Baptist College (Arlington) Arlington Career Institute (Grand Prairie) Arlington Medical Institute (Arlington) Army Academy of Health Sciences (San Antonio) The Art Institute of Dallas (Dallas) The Art Institute of Houston (Houston) Astrodome Dental Career Center (Houston) ATI-Career Training Center (Dallas) ATI - Career Training Center (Hurst) ATI - Technical Training Center (Dallas) Austin Business College (Austin) Austin College (Sherman) Austin Community College (Austin) Austin Graduate School of Theology (Austin) Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin) Aveda Institute (Conroe) Baldwin Beauty School #5 (Austin) Baldwin Beauty School - North (Austin) Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (Jacksonville) Baylor College of Medicine (Houston)Beauty Academy (Houston) Bilingual Education Institute (Houston) Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development (Dallas) Blinn College (Brenham) Border Institute of Technology (El Paso) Bradford School of Business (Houston) Branch Campus:Inc. (El Paso) Concorde Career Institute (Arlington) Concordia University at Austin (Austin) Conlee's College of Cosmetology (Kerrville) Coryell Cosmetology College (Gatesville) Cosmetology Career Center (Carrollton) Court Reporting Institute of Dallas (North Dallas) Court Reporting Institute of Houston (Houston) The Criswell College (Dallas) Culinary Academy of Austin (Austin) Culinary Institute (Houston) Dallas Baptist University (Dallas) Dallas Barber and Stylist College (Dallas) Dallas Christian College (Dallas) Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas) David L. Carrasco Job Corps Center (El Paso) Del Mar College (Corpus Christi) Dolphin Technical Institute (Beaumont) DSU Training Institute (Houston) East Texas Baptist University (Marshall) Eastfield College (Mesquite) El Centro College (Dallas) El Paso County Community College District (El Paso) Elite Beauty Institute of Midland (Midland) English Language Specialists, Inc. (Houston) Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (Austin) Everest College (Dallas) Everest Institute (Arlington) Exposito School of Hair Design (Amarillo) Faris Computer School (Nederland) Fort Worth Beauty School (Fort Worth) Frank Phillips College (Borger) Franklin Beauty School #2 (Houston) Galveston College (Galveston) Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston) Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston) Genesis Vocational Training (Houston) George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University (Waco) Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (Dallas) Grayson County College (Denison) Gulf Coast Trades Center (New Waverly) Hallmark Institute of Aeronautics (San Antonio) Hallmark Institute of Technology (San Antonio) Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene) High-Tech Institute (Irving) Hill College (Hillsboro) Hispanic Baptist Theological School (San Antonio) House of Tutors (Austin) Houston Allied Health Careers (Houston) Houston Baptist University (Houston) Houston Community College (Houston) Houston Graduate School of Theology (Houston)West Campus (Houston) Iverson Business School and Court Reporting (Arlington) Jacksonville College (Jacksonville) Jarvis Christian College (Hawkins) Jay's Technical Institute (Houston) Jones Beauty College #2 (Grand Prairie) Jones Beauty College #3 (Allen) Jones Beauty College #4 (Lewisville) Jones Beauty College (Dallas) Kilgore College (Kilgore) Kussad Institute of Court Reporting (Austin) Lamar Institute of Technology (Beaumont) Lamar State College - Orange (Orange) Lamar State College - Port Arthur (Port Arthur) Lamar Unis Beauty Academy Inc. (Dallas) Mountain View College (Dallas) MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston) MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston) National Beauty College (Garland) National Institute of Technology (Austin) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (San Antonio) Naval Construction Training Center - Branch Campus (Witchita Falls) Navarro College (Corsicana) Neilson Beauty College,s University (San Antonio) Saint Philip's College (San Antonio) Sam Houston State University (Huntsville) San Antonio Beauty College #3 (San Antonio) San Antonio Beauty College #4 (San Antonio) San Antonio College of Medical and (McAllen) San Antonio College of Medical and (San Antonio) San Antonio College (San Antonio) San Jacinto College (Pasadena) School of Automotive Machinists (Houston) Schreiner University (Kerrville) Sebring Career Schools (Barker) Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Huntsville) Seguin Beauty School - Branch Campus (New Braunfels) Seguin Beauty School (Seguin) South Plains College (Levelland) South Texas Community College (McAllen) South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (McAllen) South Texas Vo-Tech Instis International School of Beauty (Houston) Tarleton State University (Stephenville) Tarrant County College District (Fort Worth) Temple College (Temple) Texarkana College (Texarkana) Texas A. & M. University (College Station) Texas A & M University - Kingsville (Kingsville) Texas A&M International University (Laredo) Texas A&M University-Commerce (Commerce) Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi) The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center (Bryan) Texas A&M University-Texarkana (Texarkana) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Dallas) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools (Dalls University (Denton) Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy (Carrollton) Touch of Class School of Cosmetology (Greenville) Trend Barber College (Houston) Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso) Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso) Trinity University (San Antonio) Trinity Valley Community College (Athens) Tyler Junior College (Tyler) Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Dallas) Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Houston) Universal Technical Institute (Houston) University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (Harlingen) University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (McAllen) The University of Dallas (Irving) University of Houston - Clear Lake (Houston) University of Houston - Downtown (Houston) University of Houston (Houston) University of Houston - Victoria (Victoria) University of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio) University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Belton) University of North Texas (s Beauty Academy (Dallas) Vernon College (Vernon) Victoria Beauty College (Victoria) The Victoria College (Victoria) Virginia College At Austin (Austin) Wade College (Dallas) Wayland Baptist University (Plainview) Weatherford College (Weatherford) West Texas A&M University (Canyon) Western Technical Institute (El Paso) Western Technical Institute (El Paso) Western Texas College (Snyder) Westwood College of Aviation Technology - Branch Campus (Houston) Westwood College of Technology -Dallas (Dallas) Westwood College of Technology-Ft. Worth (Euless) Wharton County Junior College (Wharton) Wiley College (Marshall) William Marsh Rice University (Houston) The Woodhouse School of Wellness (Victoria)
