




二十多年前,邓小平提出了科学技术的现代化是四个现代化的关键。每当邓小平提到经济体制改革时,他总是要特别强调教育体制和科技体制的改革。现在,二十多年过去了,实践证明了邓小平的先见之明。在全球化和知识经济的今天,没有比教育和科技更重要了,而发展科技的关键就是人才。说道人才就不得不提到教育。自从改革开放的20多年来中国的市场经济取得的巨大成功是有目共睹的,也是中国的的经济有了很大的增长。但是教育体制就没有那么幸运了。并且现在教育问题已经成了制约中国科技,经济发展的一个瓶颈。20多年来虽然做过很多尝试,也不乏凌云壮志的人物,但是并没有什么根本上的改变。与西方发达国家的差距不但没有缩小还在继续扩大。也没有任何人敢夸口说中国的教育体制的改革是成功的。我认为中国教育体制的问题有三点。首先中国的教育体制缺乏自主性。中国的经济改革之所以能成功就与变计划经济为市场经济,市场多元化了之后经济改革才有了真正的突破。而直到现在中国的教育体系还掌握在政府手中,所有的教育方法制度都是由政府制定的。这就意味着想在的教育体制没有任何自主性可言,就更不要指望有能有什么更高效的教育方法。欧美大学发展的根基就是其自主性。像哈佛,耶鲁,普林斯顿等现在的世界顶尖大学在建立之初不过也就是几个普普通通的学院。当时也没有任何人希望他们能走到现在的这一步。但他们共同的特点就是自主性。大学教授的终身制也是为了保持教授的自主性。这样他们既不用担心因为自己的学术观点被解雇或受到外界其他的影响。而中国大学中有天壤之别,教授们要定期学论文完成指定的业绩,还有末位淘汰制。着这样的环境下谁能有什么突破性的想法。其次就是教学内容的设置现在中学的主科有语文,数学,英语,物理,化学等每科的学业都很繁重。人类从远古时代就有了分工也就是说不是每个人以后的工作中能用到所有的内容,一个作家绝不可能每天要面对一堆一元二次方程。一个科学家也不可能整天跟古诗文打交道。而且每个人擅长的学科也不一样,有的擅长语文有的擅长理科。而现在的教育体制并不注重培养一个人的长处反而只注重提高一个人的短处,妄图能把每个人都培养成全才。这种人前无古人后也不会有来者。这样的结果就是会把每个人变成长处不长短处不短的平庸的人。这种所谓的“全才”必定会在精通某一方面的“专才”面前败下阵来。最后就是不注重培养学生的创造力,甚至是故意去抹杀他。老师对学生的的评价只有分数从语文的教学上也能看出来。几乎所有的题都有一个标准的套路,一旦学生在答题时没有按照这个规则答结果就是没分。写作文的要求也是要达到所谓的“思想健康”否则就是你写的再好也顶多是一个及格成绩。近期教育体制有了一些改革想什么高中的学分制啊什么的。但是学生的状况几乎没有发生任何变化。我认为只要中国的应试教育不改了一切教育上的改革都是空谈。教育体制的改革再也不能回避了,政府必须痛下决心,彻底改革旧制。人才竞争场上的失败永远弥补不了其他方面的伟大成功。译文:More than 20 years ago, Deng Xiaoping put forward the modernization of science and technology is the key to the four modernizations. When Deng Xiaoping's economic reform that, he was always a special emphasis on the education system and scientific and technological system reform. Now, more than 20 years have passed, and Practice has proved that Deng Xiaoping's foresight that. In the context of globalization and knowledge-based economy of today, nothing is more important education and technology, and the development of science and technology is the key personnel. Said people have to mention education.Since the reform and opening up over the past 20 years China's market economy achieved tremendous success is obvious to all, China is also a great economic growth. But the education system not so lucky. And now education has become China's scientific and technical constraints, the economic development of a bottleneck. Although more than 20 years done a lot of attempts, also no lack of Lingyun aspiration of the people, but there is no fundamental change. And the Western developed countries has not only failed to narrow the gap continues to expand. And no one dares boasted that China's education system reform is a success. I think the issue of China's education system has three.First, China's lack of autonomy of the education system. China's economic reform and has been able to successfully change the planned economy to market economy, market diversification of the economic reform after only a real breakthrough. But until now China's education system also is in the hands of the government, all the way education system are formulated by the Government. This means that the education system would have no autonomy at all, they do not expect to have any more efficient teaching methods. European and American universities is the foundation for the development of its autonomy.Like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and so now the world's top universities in the beginning, however, is the establishment of several ordinary colleges. At that time, there is no hope now they can come to this step. But their common characteristic is autonomy. University professor of life tenure is also in order to maintain the autonomy of the professor. So they do not use because they worry about the academic point of view was dismissed by outsiders or other effects. The Chinese are poles apart from the University, professors regularly papers to complete the assigned school performance, bottom-out system. In such circumstances who can have any breakthrough ideas.Second is the teaching of secondary schools now set up the main Branch Language, Mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, and other studies for each subject are heavy. Mankind from ancient times there will be a division of labor that is to say not everyone can be used in future work to all content, a writer can never be a day to face a pile of one yuan quadratic equation. Scientists can not be a full day dealing with ancient poetry text. But everyone is not as good at the subject, some good at languages some good at science. Now the education system does not pay attention to cultivating one's strengths instead of only pay attention to improving one's weaknesses in a vain attempt to have each person can only train Chengquan.After such a person would not have a parallel in history to those. This is the result of each person will not become strengths of the length of the lot of ordinary people. The so-called "Quancai" will be proficient in a particular aspect of "professionals" before it lost.Finally is the training of students do not pay attention to the creativity, or even deliberately to deny him. Teacher to student evaluation scores from the only language teaching can be seen. Almost all of that has a standard routine, once the answer when students did not follow this rule: the result is not. Writing text of the requirements is to achieve the so-called "thinking of health," it is that you have at most, no matter how good the writing is a pass.With the recent reform the education system to what high school ah what the credit system. However, the situation of almost no students of any changes. I think that as long as China's exam-oriented education has not changed all education reforms are empty.The education system reform can no longer be avoided, the pain must be determined, thorough reform of the old system. The failure of market competition for talent can never make up for other areas of great success.

2.美国的教育体制 用英文翻译下面的内容

master',s and doctorate system;one category or the College of Arts:often requires a four-year university degrees,the high cost of a long time. Comprehensive university awarding bachelor,master',s and doctoral degrees 3.;




邓小平提出了科学技术的现代化是四个现代化的关键。每当邓小平提到经济体制改革时,他总是要特别强调教育体制和科技体制的改革。实践证明了邓小平的先见之明。在全球化和知识经济的今天,没有比教育和科技更重要了,而发展科技的关键就是人才。说道人才就不得不提到教育。自从改革开放的20多年来中国的市场经济取得的巨大成功是有目共睹的,也是中国的的经济有了很大的增长。但是教育体制就没有那么幸运了。并且现在教育问题已经成了制约中国科技,经济发展的一个瓶颈。也不乏凌云壮志的人物,但是并没有什么根本上的改变。与西方发达国家的差距不但没有缩小还在继续扩大。也没有任何人敢夸口说中国的教育体制的改革是成功的。我认为中国教育体制的问题有三点。首先中国的教育体制缺乏自主性。中国的经济改革之所以能成功就与变计划经济为市场经济,市场多元化了之后经济改革才有了真正的突破。而直到现在中国的教育体系还掌握在政府手中,所有的教育方法制度都是由政府制定的。这就意味着想在的教育体制没有任何自主性可言,就更不要指望有能有什么更高效的教育方法。欧美大学发展的根基就是其自主性。普林斯顿等现在的世界顶尖大学在建立之初不过也就是几个普普通通的学院。当时也没有任何人希望他们能走到现在的这一步。但他们共同的特点就是自主性。大学教授的终身制也是为了保持教授的自主性。这样他们既不用担心因为自己的学术观点被解雇或受到外界其他的影响。而中国大学中有天壤之别,教授们要定期学论文完成指定的业绩,着这样的环境下谁能有什么突破性的想法。其次就是教学内容的设置现在中学的主科有语文,化学等每科的学业都很繁重。人类从远古时代就有了分工也就是说不是每个人以后的工作中能用到所有的内容,一个作家绝不可能每天要面对一堆一元二次方程。一个科学家也不可能整天跟古诗文打交道。而且每个人擅长的学科也不一样,有的擅长语文有的擅长理科。而现在的教育体制并不注重培养一个人的长处反而只注重提高一个人的短处,妄图能把每个人都培养成全才。这种人前无古人后也不会有来者。这样的结果就是会把每个人变成长处不长短处不短的平庸的人。必定会在精通某一方面的“最后就是不注重培养学生的创造力,老师对学生的的评价只有分数从语文的教学上也能看出来。几乎所有的题都有一个标准的套路,一旦学生在答题时没有按照这个规则答结果就是没分。写作文的要求也是要达到所谓的“思想健康”否则就是你写的再好也顶多是一个及格成绩。近期教育体制有了一些改革想什么高中的学分制啊什么的。但是学生的状况几乎没有发生任何变化。我认为只要中国的应试教育不改了一切教育上的改革都是空谈。教育体制的改革再也不能回避了,政府必须痛下决心,彻底改革旧制。人才竞争场上的失败永远弥补不了其他方面的伟大成功。China'Yale,Princeton,and so now the world'Mathematics,English,physics,chemistry,and other studiesprofessionals"once the answer when students did not follow this rule:the result is not. Writing text of the requirements is to achieve the so-called ""the situation of almost no students of any changes. I think that as long as China'thorough reform of the old system. The failure of market competition for talent can never make up for other areas of great success.


were not only non-existent in China,were inscribed with records of the various productions of China:and even Ts’u,conferring rights upon their new vassals;but here again we are ignorant of the material on wtook to flight:this declaration was carved upon several stone tablets;at a durbar held by Ts’u,remarked:usually considered to have been,it is interesting as showing that Ts’i did possess Kwoh-shu,Ts’i,and also a letter from Ts’in to Ts’u”the northernmost state of Yen (Peking plain);in order to give the assassin a plausible ground for gaining admittance to the tyrant,Ts’i,Yen,and evidently equally legible by all the dozen or so of representatives present;–"it is the executive’s fault if they obtain repute but no recommendation to office:greater seal"character in 827 B.C.character,letters,it is just as easy to:and volumes of Chinese history or literature in general can be;the copy of Lao-tsz’s philosophical work recorded to have been in the possession of a Chinese empress in 150 B.C,and inventions;are going on now.,

6.英国教育体系 英文版

in some areas either or both of the primary and secondary levels are further subdivided. A few areas have three-tier education systems with an intermediate middle level from age 9 to 13. State-funded nursery education is available from the age of 3,lower/. There now exists a common parallel terminology for sixth form only:year 13/sixth form'this arose from the system in publicand so on. In some private schools such as Withington Girls'School,this way of counting the years (Lower fourth;Upper fourth,Lower Fifth etc) is still used 希望你还来得及用满意请采纳,


secondary,football,swimming,boxing,to develop students'science,English,physics,chemistry,history,transportation,industry,agriculture,construction,commercial,fashion,food,legal,secrelanguage,services,students,copy,with a notebook to take notes carefully. It was discovered that the teacher'completing scexercise,entertainment,is very ordinary things. This is reminiscent of China two thousand years ago the great educator Confucius advocated "music,a few"which is advocated in today'and more will create....我在国内经完成了小学、中学,2006年到美国的一所中学上11年级(相当于国内高二)。在我到美国之前,常听人说,美国的中学教育就是玩着没有任何压力的自由自在的学习。他们高中的数、理、化水平就是中国初一的文化程度。美国学生的实际动手能力强,但基础知识不如中国学生扎实……然而,美国的高中学生生活到底怎样?他们在高中阶段都学了些什么?又做些什么?对于中国学生来说是非常陌生,也是很抽象的。我很好奇大洋彼岸的新的学习生活,坦白的说,十分向往一种没有压力,十分轻松愉悦的学习方式。到美国后才发现,其实美国的中学教育并非如我们想像中的玄妙和简单,也不是那么的如诗如画。从刚开始接触到一段时间的感知,我体会到与中国的教育方式截然不同,不仅体现在中学教育,而且整个教育体制都存在着差别。美国的教育制度是注重学生社会责任和体能素质的培养。学生每天不仅仅是学习,学校同时安排大量的时间进行体育锻炼(篮球、橄榄、足球、田径、游泳、拳击等等)和社会实践等项目,来培养学生的综合能力。所以,会合理的安排时间,全面有效的发展是美国教育体制的精髓。美国的高中不分文科、理科,而采用学分制。必修课有数学、英文、物理、化学、历史等,选修课非常丰富,电讯、交通、工业、农业、水利、建筑、驾驶、商业、时装、食品、环境、经济、法律、文秘、外语、家政、航运、维修等领域,凡是学生感兴趣或有择业需要的内容,都有相应的课程可供选择。美国的教育是面向学生,学习的归宿和目标是定位在就业。校方配套设施也是围绕教学、服务学生的,学校图书馆全天向学生开放,随时可查阅、复印、下载资料。美国的教育方式更是体现的淋漓尽致。课堂俨然是一个讨论的战场,每个同学都可以提出自己不同的意见,同学们在课堂上与老师展开争论是常有的事。美国学生从小习惯于在大庭广众下表达自己的观点,在课堂上,大家都很善于表达自己的观点,即便是言之无物或是说错了也无妨,因此大家上课时无拘无束,课堂气氛十分活跃。比较教师照本宣科,一人言谈要好得多,这种交流启发式的教学方式,让学生真正成为了课堂的主人,能够主动地思考,从而辨明事理的多样性。我上课的时候都是像国内时那样,带着笔记本认真做笔记。老师的讲台上都放有纸和笔,学生可以随意拿去做笔记,感觉十分人性化。在基础教育方面,相比国内而言相对弱化,不会让每一个学生都在填鸭式的反复记忆。他们从10年级或更早开始就会为学生安排大量如计算机网页设计、简单电路板设计、机器人设计和制作、模拟桥梁建设等科技成分大、能力要求高的课程。绝大部分的美国高中生放学后作业不多,在完成学校布置的作业后,每天都会有较充裕的时间作自己的事。享受生活、体育锻炼、休闲娱乐、派对等等,是再平常不过的事情了。这让人想起了中国两千多年前的大教育家孔子所倡导的“全面发展,这也是当今国内所提倡的素质教育值得借鉴的。一些美国学生很会利用课余时间,做一些学习上或自己感兴趣的事。在这种环境中,人不再是学习的机器,也不再会有厌学的情绪,人人都在快乐中学习成长,在学习中得到快乐。我的同学Gohn参与做机器人的设计和制作,制作过程中,常常会遇到一些问题,就会请教我这个曾在中国获得中学生物理竞赛一等奖的高材生。我都会运用自己的物理知识,正确的解答使Gohn很佩服我,也让我感觉很有成就感。虽然每次考试我的成绩都名列前茅,但我还是不能熟练地制作机器人,不能把自己所掌握的知识转化为实际动手的能力,这也是人们常说的中国的孩子擅长于基础理论、知识的积累,而美国孩子精于实际技能、多会创造。
