








教育部认可的美国德克萨斯州(Texas)大学名单 美国大学(按州和地区分布) 我9月去德州 A New Beginning School of Massage (Austin) Abilene Christian University (Abilene) Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology (Abilene) Academy of Cosmetology (Austin) Academy of Hair Design (Houston) Academy of Hair Design Inc. (Beaumont) Academy of Hair Design, Inc. (Lufkin) The Academy of Health Care Professions (Houston) Acres Home College of Barber Design (Houston) Advanced Barber College and Hair Design (Weslaco) AEC Texas Institute (Garland) AEC Texas Institute (Hurst) Aeronautical Institute of Technologies (Dallas) AIMS Academy (Grand Prairie) Allied Health Careers (Austin) Alvin Community College (Alvin) Amarillo College (Amarillo) Amarillo College of Beauty (Amarillo) Amberton University (Garland) American Commercial College (Abilene) American Commercial College (Lubbock) American Commercial College (Odessa) American Commercial College (San Angelo) American School of Business (Wichita Falls) AmesEd (Richardson) AnaMarc Educational Institute (El Paso) Angelina College (Lufkin) Angelo State University (San Angelo) Arlington Baptist College (Arlington) Arlington Career Institute (Grand Prairie) Arlington Medical Institute (Arlington) Army Academy of Health Sciences (San Antonio) The Art Institute of Dallas (Dallas) The Art Institute of Houston (Houston) Astrodome Dental Career Center (Houston) ATI-Career Training Center (Dallas) ATI - Career Training Center (Hurst) ATI - Technical Training Center (Dallas) Austin Business College (Austin) Austin College (Sherman) Austin Community College (Austin) Austin Graduate School of Theology (Austin) Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Austin) Aveda Institute (Conroe) Baldwin Beauty School #5 (Austin) Baldwin Beauty School - North (Austin) Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary (Jacksonville) Baylor College of Medicine (Houston)Beauty Academy (Houston) Bilingual Education Institute (Houston) Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development (Dallas) Blinn College (Brenham) Border Institute of Technology (El Paso) Bradford School of Business (Houston) Branch Campus:Inc. (El Paso) Concorde Career Institute (Arlington) Concordia University at Austin (Austin) Conlee's College of Cosmetology (Kerrville) Coryell Cosmetology College (Gatesville) Cosmetology Career Center (Carrollton) Court Reporting Institute of Dallas (North Dallas) Court Reporting Institute of Houston (Houston) The Criswell College (Dallas) Culinary Academy of Austin (Austin) Culinary Institute (Houston) Dallas Baptist University (Dallas) Dallas Barber and Stylist College (Dallas) Dallas Christian College (Dallas) Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas) David L. Carrasco Job Corps Center (El Paso) Del Mar College (Corpus Christi) Dolphin Technical Institute (Beaumont) DSU Training Institute (Houston) East Texas Baptist University (Marshall) Eastfield College (Mesquite) El Centro College (Dallas) El Paso County Community College District (El Paso) Elite Beauty Institute of Midland (Midland) English Language Specialists, Inc. (Houston) Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest (Austin) Everest College (Dallas) Everest Institute (Arlington) Exposito School of Hair Design (Amarillo) Faris Computer School (Nederland) Fort Worth Beauty School (Fort Worth) Frank Phillips College (Borger) Franklin Beauty School #2 (Houston) Galveston College (Galveston) Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston) Genesis Vocational Training - Branch Campus (Houston) Genesis Vocational Training (Houston) George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University (Waco) Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics (Dallas) Grayson County College (Denison) Gulf Coast Trades Center (New Waverly) Hallmark Institute of Aeronautics (San Antonio) Hallmark Institute of Technology (San Antonio) Hardin-Simmons University (Abilene) High-Tech Institute (Irving) Hill College (Hillsboro) Hispanic Baptist Theological School (San Antonio) House of Tutors (Austin) Houston Allied Health Careers (Houston) Houston Baptist University (Houston) Houston Community College (Houston) Houston Graduate School of Theology (Houston)West Campus (Houston) Iverson Business School and Court Reporting (Arlington) Jacksonville College (Jacksonville) Jarvis Christian College (Hawkins) Jay's Technical Institute (Houston) Jones Beauty College #2 (Grand Prairie) Jones Beauty College #3 (Allen) Jones Beauty College #4 (Lewisville) Jones Beauty College (Dallas) Kilgore College (Kilgore) Kussad Institute of Court Reporting (Austin) Lamar Institute of Technology (Beaumont) Lamar State College - Orange (Orange) Lamar State College - Port Arthur (Port Arthur) Lamar Unis Beauty Academy Inc. (Dallas) Mountain View College (Dallas) MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston) MTI College of Business & Technology (Houston) National Beauty College (Garland) National Institute of Technology (Austin) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (Houston) National Institute of Technology (San Antonio) Naval Construction Training Center - Branch Campus (Witchita Falls) Navarro College (Corsicana) Neilson Beauty College,s University (San Antonio) Saint Philip's College (San Antonio) Sam Houston State University (Huntsville) San Antonio Beauty College #3 (San Antonio) San Antonio Beauty College #4 (San Antonio) San Antonio College of Medical and (McAllen) San Antonio College of Medical and (San Antonio) San Antonio College (San Antonio) San Jacinto College (Pasadena) School of Automotive Machinists (Houston) Schreiner University (Kerrville) Sebring Career Schools (Barker) Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Sebring Career Schools - Branch Campus (Huntsville) Seguin Beauty School - Branch Campus (New Braunfels) Seguin Beauty School (Seguin) South Plains College (Levelland) South Texas Community College (McAllen) South Texas Vo-Tech Institute (McAllen) South Texas Vo-Tech Instis International School of Beauty (Houston) Tarleton State University (Stephenville) Tarrant County College District (Fort Worth) Temple College (Temple) Texarkana College (Texarkana) Texas A. & M. University (College Station) Texas A & M University - Kingsville (Kingsville) Texas A&M International University (Laredo) Texas A&M University-Commerce (Commerce) Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (Corpus Christi) The Texas A&M University System Health Science Center (Bryan) Texas A&M University-Texarkana (Texarkana) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Dallas) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools - Branch Campus (Houston) Texas Barber Colleges and Hairstyling Schools (Dalls University (Denton) Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy (Carrollton) Touch of Class School of Cosmetology (Greenville) Trend Barber College (Houston) Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso) Tri-State Cosmetology Institute (El Paso) Trinity University (San Antonio) Trinity Valley Community College (Athens) Tyler Junior College (Tyler) Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Dallas) Ultrasound Diagnostic School (Houston) Universal Technical Institute (Houston) University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (Harlingen) University of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (McAllen) The University of Dallas (Irving) University of Houston - Clear Lake (Houston) University of Houston - Downtown (Houston) University of Houston (Houston) University of Houston - Victoria (Victoria) University of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio) University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (Belton) University of North Texas (s Beauty Academy (Dallas) Vernon College (Vernon) Victoria Beauty College (Victoria) The Victoria College (Victoria) Virginia College At Austin (Austin) Wade College (Dallas) Wayland Baptist University (Plainview) Weatherford College (Weatherford) West Texas A&M University (Canyon) Western Technical Institute (El Paso) Western Technical Institute (El Paso) Western Texas College (Snyder) Westwood College of Aviation Technology - Branch Campus (Houston) Westwood College of Technology -Dallas (Dallas) Westwood College of Technology-Ft. Worth (Euless) Wharton County Junior College (Wharton) Wiley College (Marshall) William Marsh Rice University (Houston) The Woodhouse School of Wellness (Victoria)



5.美国德州和中国时差是多少? 美国德州的时间是不是以西5区时间为准的?



曾经我在德州休斯顿工作过四年。后来搬到加州洛杉几来开办律师事务所,我对德州和加州的情况都有亲身的观察和了解。看到很多朋友在这两个州之间移进移出,很多新移民也会在这两个大州之间比较选择,做投资和定居的打算。干脆就把一些个人的所知所感写下来,从人口、面积、经济,政治影响力等各个方面来看,加利福尼亚州和德克萨斯州都是美国响当当的大州。这两个州是美国西进运动的双生轴心。他们的发展牵引着美国的未来。单从人口上看,加州是美国人口最多的州,加利福尼亚州人口数为3769万人,约占全美总人口数(3亿1千多万人)的12.1%。德州人口则全国第二,亚裔居民占加州总人口13.6%,其中华人占3%。加州亚裔的人数成长了37%。德州的亚裔居民数量也在增长,特别是在休斯顿与达拉斯这两个大城。目前德州的种族比例中,再来看一下面积,德州是美国除了阿拉斯加以外面积最大的州,意思是在德州一切都比别的地方大得多”在德州土地是廉价的,所以德州人喜欢建很大的房子。德州的房子比别的地方大得多,过去在德州汽油很便宜。所以德州人也喜欢开很大的汽车。加州面积41万平方公里,是美国第三大州。加利福尼亚拥有多样的自然景观,包括壮丽的峡谷、高山和干燥的沙漠。大多数大城市位于太平洋沿岸较凉爽的地带,包括旧金山、洛杉几和圣地亚哥。中央谷地是农业区,加州GDP占全美的13.34%,为全美最高,仅次于美国、中国、日本、德国、法国、英国、巴西、意大利,是世界第9大经济体,人均GDP为51,在全美各州中名列第12位,德克萨斯州的GDP达11531亿美元(美国联邦经济分析局数据)。占全美GDP的7.95%,仅次于加州,如果按照独立国家计算,其经济实力相当于世界第13或第14大经济体,加州中部牧场的牛仔和德州的牛仔就很难区别。德州的休斯敦和加州的洛杉几近年来一直是美国空气污染最严重的数一数二的城市,没有尽头的高速公路也是两地的共同特色,他们都在向对方输出人口。根据国税局的统计数字,美国各州居民迁入加州的数目,以德州占第一位,有21万德州人搬到加州定居,而从加州搬到德州的更多达35万1千人,是搬到德州的各州人口的第一名,德州华人生活的方式和加州也很相似,家庭聚会是大家社会交友活动和娱乐的主要方式之一。而且大都是以大陆来的同自己背景接近的朋友。虽然同自己的子女的对话中经常要用英文,孩子们之间几乎是一律讲英文,经济构成不同:加州是美国农业第一大州(包括水果、蔬菜、牛奶制品和酒),加州引以为傲的还有硅谷的高科技产业和好莱坞的影视娱乐业。航空航运、港口运输。医疗产业、电子游戏产业,制造业都非常突出,加州2010年失业率为12.4%,贫困率23.5%。没有加州那么拥挤。德州大片开发的master planned 社区,好得只有加州中产阶级羡慕的份。政治和宗教状况不同。加州是民主党的票仓,或者在美国被称为深蓝州(民主党的代表色为蓝色,颜色深浅说明支持度)。加州最蓝的部分在北加州,也就是以同性恋运动闻名的旧金山市,硅谷所在地圣何塞市(San Jose)以及激进左翼势力温床的加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkley)为人口核心的地区。德州则相反,是一个长期被共和党盘踞的钉子户,把德州变蓝”同性婚姻在加州是合法的。在德州则总体上不被承认。加州主导的宗教是罗马天主教、福音派新教徒和主流的新教徒。德州主导的宗教是罗马天主教和浸信会。税收政策不同。加州税负非常高。加州的个人所得税(personal income tax)从1%至10.3%七级递进,仅次于夏威夷全国第二高。而德州一向有“根据税收基金会的统计数据,德克萨斯州的州和地方税率分别为全美最低和第7低的水平。德州州政府不征收个人所得税、个人资本收益税(personal capital gains tax)、 企业收入税(corporate income tax),并且土地便宜和劳动力费用低。但是在地方财产税(Local Property Tax) 方面,加州州平均税率约为公告地价的1.1%,德州却比较高为2.57%。加州有一点值得称道的是,加州超市里卖的食品大部分不收税。自然气候不同。加州有地震,德州有飓风。德州雨多,加州雨少。德州气候炎热,但加州九月秋老虎(Indian Summer)一到,德州的蚊子和火蚁我是领教过的。加州人揶揄德州人说,德州人的房子之所以大,是因为他们不敢到外面玩,天天要躲在家里,加州房子小,但走去去玩的地方多。加州很多地方,德州夏天的空调费就贵的惊人。但加州出门就堵,税收政策的不同折射出的是发展模式的不同:德州的发展模式是相当传统的——低税收、削减政府规模、减少繁琐的规章与法律。对企业的税收也很低,德州议会不断推动人身伤害法改革,大大降低了企业在诉讼方面的费用。德州的政府也相当“特别是管立法的州议会每两年才开会一百四十天,州和地方政府的支出人均不到七千美元。得益于完善的交通、通讯网络。商业成本在全美平均值以下,以及州政府对经济发展的强力支持,权威的《选址杂志》再一次将德州评选为全美商业环境最友好的州,这已经是该杂志9年中第8次给予该州这一评价,德州还拥有独一无二的。30亿美元的基金吸引了众多跨国企业”财富500强企业中。有52家总部设在德州,位居全美第2位(仅次于有53家总部的加利福尼亚州,领先于有50家总部的纽约州),美国增加了722,200个新的工作机会,300个是德克萨斯一个州创造出来的。德州的经济以每年3.3%的速度在增长。远高于2.6%的全国平均数,加州的模式却相反——高税收、大政府,加州的个人收入税在全国数第二。对企业的最高税率将近百分之九。同时失业率高达两位数,州议会全职工作。不断制定出各种各样繁琐复杂甚至相互冲突的法律法规。州与地方政府的支出人均超过了一万美元,最近几年企业大批逃离加州搬迁外地。使得州政府收不上税。得通过新的预算案。但看来已无望实现。目前加州已经有71个市/。郡禁止使用发泡餐具;为了促进塑料和玻璃瓶回收力度,加州对灌装饮料征收CRV税,德州与加州模式的比较在今日引起了许多美国人对凯恩斯经济理论的反思。政府加大对经济社会生活的干预。在短时期内也许能收到一定的效果,大政府就有可能成为人民沉重的负担,德州自身还有许多问题,教育方面投资不足。许多专家不无道理地担心德州出现,无法适应知识经济的需求,他们很可能会理直气壮地要求走加州式的大政府路线,给他们提供受教育机会和医疗保障,德州有朝一日也可能重蹈加州覆辙,被过度扩张的公共部门搞得尾大不掉,加州拥有如此众多富有创造力的人才。其竞争力无可否认,加州拥有一批值得骄傲的朝阳产业和这个星球上最敏锐的风投资本。尽管在奥斯汀每天都有许多创业企业正在崛起;但要谷歌把总部从加州的芒廷维尤(Mountain View)迁往得州的奥斯汀(Austin)是不太可能的,加州的创新能力和自我改造能力依旧惊人。它依然会是高科技新贵们的创业热土和艺术天才们的梦想乐园,不太可能是美利坚合众国唯一一颗璀璨的星星,也不可能是美国通往未来的唯一一条康庄大桥,美国的五十个州。每个州都有自己的特点和发展模式,每一个州都是一块独特的政治经济试验田。美国的竞争力。各个州之间通过互相学习。


