美国housekeeper的工作:美国签证问题 求翻译!求口语化




1.美国签证问题 求翻译!求口语化

I'I hosafely brought back!

2.问下有谁到美国days inn 做过housekeeper 啊 ,那怎么样,需要注意些什么呢





Welcome visitor you friends Hello everybody , welcome to come to Shanghai , I was in Shanghai travel guide Zhang, very pleased to be able to meet everyone to do all tour guides in the past few days , the meet that fate , first travel agency on behalf of our we extend a warm welcome , thank you for years of support and trust of our agencies , we hope to be able to have fun in the past few days , eat at ease , comfortable stay , leave a good memory ! I then called Zhang, Gong Zhang , because I Zhang, again we are guided , so everyone called me that how it ~ Oh, call me Sally on the line, someone said Zhang , I gladly accepted it , because Zhang cried too grand , and Zhang Yimou is called Zhang guide ! Our master driver surnamed X, I and everyone from all over the world together with the master comes really kind of fate , China is so big, it happens that we get together to such a small compartment to , if our car metaphor these days we mobile home , then our X master is our housekeeper , control of the steering wheel , hand power, our license plate number is our house number, slipped out the door when we must remember their own house number , and after all, our home is on wheels will run , I say again that we remember it : Shanghai XXXX Although I can not recall all the names one by one , but I think in the next X days where I would slowly we understand , we are familiar with , so now we just need to remember I can, you remember my last name anything? Then the car there and my surname , and hands . I'm sorry, I'm talking about the same surname , the surname another name. Well, the joke , and finally give us a few small suggestions , first of all, let us sit in the seat , do not walk around after a good casual avoid excessive speed is dangerous , followed by car is easy to be hungry , then eat leftover under it in a convenient trash bag , thrown off when the front of the trash can or carry down , let the house we want to live in X days , I hope we can maintain a good environment together , the last point is to sit Do not handle the window of a friend or head out of the window Shu , to avoid being scratched another vehicle , then I think away from home , travel is important, but peace is the most important, I think is a safe away from home happy , then I hope that this trip be able to take out everyone happily , safely brought back !


饭桌礼仪 饭桌上的文化,饮馔文化”不同的家庭或家族在社会、经济、习惯、环境的影响下,形成了有自家特色的饭桌文化,众多家族在饭馔方式上有“家宴”便宴”——家宴是指家族自己过节和各种喜庆活动而设的宴席;宾宴是宴请亲戚朋友的宴席;便宴是家常便饭。老北京饭桌上各种礼仪十分讲究,在漫长的岁月中逐渐折射出老北京的价值观念,为内容的饭桌文化。是指饮馔的礼节和礼仪”它反映了家族的道德观念和风俗习惯形成的礼节、仪式和个人的礼貌要求。家宴、便宴要以。(家长、长辈)为主”宾宴要以,就形成了许多规矩约束家人,尤其对孩子们的约束更加严格,礼有形式之礼和待侍之礼。形式之礼是指礼仪的形式和氛围所体现的礼。比如宴请场所的选择、礼仪的档次、环境的营造、用具的准备,都要体现对客人的一种尊重,待侍之礼是指招待客人和侍奉客人的礼节。如宴席的排座是以长为先、师为先、远为先的原则,即按辈分排座,家庭教师要优先入座,远道而来的亲戚朋友要优先入座,对待家境贫穷的亲戚和朋友更要格外照顾,主人在席间与其交流的时间要长些,敬酒次数要多些,并有意识地向客人介绍他们的,以获得众人的赞赏和尊重,同时严格要求管家和仆人不准慢待这些人。虽然每次宴请视客人身份和礼仪风俗的特点。在饭菜种类、质量档次、饭庄的选择上是有区别的,但绝不能让客人挑出,在宴请中的祝词、敬酒、交谈、进餐、辞宴的全程中都要注重礼节。开宴前主人要将重要宾客介绍给大家。并致简明热情的祝词,开宴时主人要亲自斟酒;按顺序向长辈和客人敬酒,不能强求,主动替不胜酒力的客人喝酒;并向客人致意,向宾客敬菜时;要注意客人的饮食爱好,否则会让客人尴尬,主人要注意席间相互交流的广泛性;不要热此冷彼,如有女宾,更要注意谈话内容和对女宾的尊重,主人不能先于客人放下碗筷;直到客人表示已吃好方可辞宴,主人要陪主宾;漱口、净手后到另座饮茶,在客人面前,主人不能训斥孩子和仆人,主与客的孩子发生争执;主人要将自己的孩子拉走,都要向对方表示歉意,但不能当着客人面教训自己的孩子,否则客人会感到不自在,宾宴一般也是不让孩子参加的。记得小时候家宴时。要求孩子们要做到懂规矩、尊敬人、讲礼貌、有教养,吃饭时不准出现喧哗声、碗筷碰击声:更不准用筷子敲桌子敲碗,不准吧唧嘴和出虚恭,二祖母说吃饭时听到吧唧嘴的声音让人作呕。吃饭时出虚恭令人难以忍受,并让吃噎着连续打嗝的孩子主动下桌。不准拖拉椅凳以免发出刺耳的声音,这就是不准出声的要求,长辈不动筷子孩子们是不能先夹菜的”不准将嘴填得满满的,不准狼吞虎咽,不准站起身来夹菜,够不到的菜可示意长辈给夹,不准用筷子在菜盘中乱挑乱翻,不准边吃边用双眼紧盯着桌上的菜,不准用筷子指人,不准将不爱吃的东西和口杂牙秽扔在或吐在地上,不准掉饭粒,揭馒头皮和剩饭要将饭碗扒拉干净,就是孩子将筷子直插在饭碗中。三是绝对不准孩子喝酒,当年两个祖母喜欢和孩子们在一起乐乐;在饭桌上玩些游戏。输了要出节目,吃完饭还要让孩子们比比谁的饭碗和桌面最干净,席间温馨的气氛十分浓厚,家宴时讲究要尊重长辈。不只是晚辈对长辈的敬、尊。也体现出长辈对晚辈的关爱“晚辈就更加敬重长辈更加孝顺老人,在每个人的心中铸就了真诚的孝道。在家族的饮馔中有。feast""Bin feast",guests feast is the feast hosted relatives and friends,in the long years of progressively reflects the values;


