






故宫——National Palace Museum颐和园——Summer Palace圆明园——Yuanmingyuan


1.[意译版]Gardens of Perfect Clarity2.[威妥码]Yuanming Yuan3.旧时欧美人士也称此地为“

4.圆明园介绍 英语 加上中文翻译



因为这两个地方都是清帝和慈禧又来避暑修建的,每年夏天都会在里面度过所以又叫夏宫,summer夏天,palace宫殿,所以就叫summer palace


known as "the garden of million [2]"the relics and long-term yuanmingyuan by bureaucrats,It inherits the China more than 3000 years of excellent traditional gardening,but also a royal museum collection quite rich. In France the great writer Hugo had said:garden"deep dilapidated building.Name origin:"",":Mean;circle"Bright"is the use of stones period has been;",laymen"Ming;and has a deep study of Buddhism.,"The royal choose sayings of the 19th and dealt jian bian'the Lord"unity"Ming".Landscape architectural features:the emperor sit can appreciate the mountain scenery outside the wall "watertowns".Artistic features:or a was the world'rare flowers in the gardemillion,Indeed,king of garden.圆明园[1]坐落在北京西郊海淀,与颐和园紧相毗邻。它始建于康熙46年(1707年),由圆明、长春、万春(绮春)三园组成。有园林风景百余处,是清朝帝王在150余年间创建和经营的一座大型皇家宫苑。清王朝倾全国物力,填湖堆山,集国内外名胜40景,建成大型建筑物145处,内收难以计数的艺术珍品和图书文物。在这些建筑中,除具有中国风格的庭院外,长春园内还有海晏堂、远瀛观等西洋风格的建筑群,1860年10月6日英法联军洗劫圆明园。文物被劫掠,园中的建筑被烧毁,慈禧太后挟光绪皇帝逃奔西安,土匪地痞即趁火打劫把园残存和陆续基本修复的共约近百座建筑物,皆拆抢一空,使圆明的建筑和古树名木遭到彻底毁灭,圆明园的遗物,又长期遭到官僚、军阀、奸商巧取豪夺,乃至政府当局的有组织地损毁,北洋政府的权贵们包括某些对圆明园遗址负有保护责任者。纷纷从圆明园内运走石雕 、太湖石等,以修其园宅,那侵略者不仅抢夺了那珍贵的历史文物。圆明园的陆上建筑面积比故宫还多一万平方米,水域面积又等于一个颐和园,总面积竟等于8.5个紫禁城,它继承了中国三千多年的优秀造园传统!既有宫廷建筑的雍容华贵,又有江南水乡园林的委婉多姿,又吸取了欧洲的园林建筑形式,把不同风格的园林建筑融为一体,在整体布局上使人感到和谐完美,宛自天开",圆明园不仅以园林著称;而且也是一座收藏相当丰富的皇家博物馆。法国大作家雨果曾说,即使把我国所有圣母院的全部宝物加在一起:也不能同这个规模宏大而富丽堂皇的东方博物馆媲美"园内各殿堂内装饰有难以计数的紫檀木家具,陈列有许多国内外稀世文物;园中文源阁是全国四大皇家藏书楼之一。园中各处藏有《四库全书》、《古今图书集成》、《四库全书荟要》等珍贵图书文物,曾以其宏大的地域规模、杰出的营造技艺、精美的建筑景群、丰富的文化收藏和博大精深的民族文化内涵而享誉于世。一切造园艺术的典范,至今奇迹和神话般的圆明园变成一片废墟”玄烨御书三字匾额。就悬挂在圆明园殿的门楣上方:对这个园名雍正皇帝有个解释“圆而入神,明而普照,是指政治业绩明光普照,这可以说是封建时代统治阶级标榜明君贤相的理想标准”是雍正皇帝自皇子时期一直使用的佛号”雍正皇帝崇信佛教,并对佛法有很深的研究”著有《御选语录》19卷和《御制拣魔辨异录》,在清初的佛教宗派格局中。雍正皇帝以禅门宗匠自居。的身份对佛教施以影响”是佛教发展史上非常重要的人物,康熙皇帝在把园林赐给胤禛(后为雍正皇帝)时。圆明园,正是取意于雍正的佛号,园林建筑特色”圆明园汇集了当时江南若干名园胜景的特点,融中国古代造园艺术之精华“以园中之园的艺术手法”将诗情画意融化于千变万化的景象之中“圆明园的南部为朝廷区”着许多珍宝、图书和艺术杰作。里面藏有名人字画、秘府典籍、钟鼎宝器、金银珠宝等稀世文物,集中了古代文化的精华。圆明园也是一座异木奇花之园。


and the "Yuanmingyuan is composed of three comparatively independent but interconnected gardens:connected into an integral system by winding streams and dotted with more than 250 hills and rock formations. The water'"that enormous and magnificent museum in the East."Furniture made of red sandalwood decorated the numerous halls in whiGems of the Complete Library of Four Branches of Books (《四库全书荟要》),and The Completed Collection of Graphs and Writings of Ancient and Modern Times (《古今图书集成》). Alas,the skill and sophistication of the builders of this historic ""and the Eight-Power Allied Forces. * Its former beauty and glory no more,after the birth of the People'and the remains of over a dozen scenic rock formations duly preserved. The existing carved marble masonry of the European Palaces has been pieced together to become a tourist attraction inthereby kindling extensive public interest in the study and preservation of this "Garden of Gardens."A garden destroyed during a nation'000 mu (1 mu=1/became a difficult problem. In September 1984 this problem was solved. At the suggestion of Zhang Huanwu,and with the support of the Institute for the Study of Yuanmingyuan and people from all walks of life,hills,which have regained their past glory with green hills and blue water enhanced by luxuriant trees and fragrant flowers,and the Chrysanthemum Festival. Having been open to the public for a decade. Yuanmingyuan still has a long way to go to become a full-fledged park of historic ruins. For example,as well as for many other purposes. The Administrative Office is making every effort to tackle these difficulties so that they can complete the restoration of the park in the early 21th century. The Summer Palace The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and the largest imperial garden in China. It was built at the beginning of the 12th century and has a history of over 800 years. It is now a world cultural heritage site. 颐和园主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成,水面占全园的四分之三。它既有湖光山色,又有庭园景色。the Long Corridor and the bridges are both very famous. 颐和园的长廊 The Long Corridor is 728 meters long and it is the longest corridor in the world. It is also one of the most famous garden landscapes in China. 廊上的每根枋梁上都有彩绘,共有图画14000余幅呢。That'内容包括山水风景、花鸟鱼虫、人物典故等。


圆明园;Yuánmíng Yuán,御园;pinyin:Yù Yuán),Garden of Gardens"traditional Chinese;万园之园:pinyin;wàn yuán zhī yuán):28 Qinghua West Road:Beijing,100084.,
