






美国正常的综合大学的课程设置是这样的:首先分为通识课和专业课。通识课又要细分,2-3门数学基础课:1门统计学的基础课。1-2门计算机的基础课。物理、化学、天文、生物、地质等学科的各种100或200level的课里选择3门课来学习。历史、经济学、政治、国际关系、性别研究、非洲研究、社会公正、犯罪学等学科的100或200level的课程里选择3门来学习。3门人文科学课 文学、艺术、哲学、人类学、考古学、摄影、建筑等学科的100或200level的课程里选择3门来学习。


给你看下我们学校哲学课lower division的介绍吧1. Introduction to Philosophy (4)A general introduction to some of the fundamental questions,knowledge and skepticism.10. Introduction to Logic (4)Basic concepts and techniques in both informal and formal logic and reasoning,proof,and rational choice among competing hypotheses and alternative courses of action when the evidence is incomplete or uncertain. (May be used to fulfill general-education requirements for Marshall,Warren,Ethics (4)An inquiry into the nature of morality and its role in personal or social life by way of classical and/or contemporary works in ethics. (May be used to fulfill general-education requirements for Muir and Marshall Colleges.) 14. Introduction to Philosophy:and the existence of God. 15. Introduction to Philosophy:Philosophy,and the Big Questions (4)An inquiry into fundamental questions at the intersection oscientific revolutions;Society,DNA,medicine,law,business,or economic issues (e.g.,international ethics) in light of ethical and moral principles and values. Warren College students must take course for a letter grade in order to satisfy the Warren College general-education requirement. Prerequisite:though some consideration may be given to Presocratic and/or Hellenistic philosophers. 32. History of Philosophy:the course focuses on the relation of seventeenth-century philosophy and the emergence of modern natural science. Figures to be studied include Bacon,Galileo,Descartes,Leibniz,and Newton. 33. History of Philosophy:Philosophy between Reason and Despair (4)Introduction to nineteenth-century philosophy,Kierkegaard,Nietzsche,and James.反正也就是社会学、伦理学、逻辑学,当然还有部分数学和心理学课程


给你看下我们学校哲学课lower division的介绍吧1. Introduction to Philosophy (4)A general introduction to some of the fundamental questions, texts, and methods of philosophy. Multiple topics will be covered, and may include the existence of God, the nature of mind and body, free will, ethics and political philosophy, knowledge and skepticism.10. Introduction to Logic (4)Basic concepts and techniques in both informal and formal logic and reasoning, including a discussion of argument, inference, proof, and common fallacies, and an introduction to the syntax, semantics, and proof method in sentential (propositional) logic. (May be used to fulfill general-education requirements for Warren and Eleanor Roosevelt Colleges.) 12. Logic and Decision Making (4)An introduction to the study of probability, inductive logic, scientific reasoning, and rational choice among competing hypotheses and alternative courses of action when the evidence is incomplete or uncertain. (May be used to fulfill general-education requirements for Marshall, Warren, and Eleanor Roosevelt Colleges.) 13. Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics (4)An inquiry into the nature of morality and its role in personal or social life by way of classical and/or contemporary works in ethics. (May be used to fulfill general-education requirements for Muir and Marshall Colleges.) 14. Introduction to Philosophy: The Nature of Reality (4)A survey of central issues and figures in the Western metaphysical tradition. Topics include the mind-body problem, freedom and determinism, personal identity, appearance and reality, and the existence of God. 15. Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Its Limits (4)A study of the grounds and scope of human knowledge, both commonsense and scientific, as portrayed in the competing traditions of Continental rationalism, British empiricism, and contemporary cognitive science. 25. Science, Philosophy, and the Big Questions (4)An inquiry into fundamental questions at the intersection of science and philosophy. Topics can include Einstein’s universe; scientific revolutions; the mind and the brain.26. Science, Society, and Values (4)An exploration of the interaction between scientific theory and practice on the one hand, and society and values on the other. Topics can include the relationship between science and religion, global climate change, DNA, medicine, and ethics. 27. Ethics and Society (4)(Same as Poli. Sci. 27.) An examination of ethical principles (e.g., utilitarianism, individual rights, etc.) and their social and political applications to contemporary issues: abortion, environmental protection, and affirmative action. Ethical principles will also be applied to moral dilemmas in government, law, business, and the professions. Satisfies the Warren College ethics and society requirement. Letter grade only. Prerequisites: CAT 2 and 3, DOC 2 and 3, MCWP 40 and 50, Hum. 1 and 2, MMW 2 and 3, WCWP 10A-B or WCWP 11A-B. 28. Ethics and Society II (4)(Same as Poli. Sci. 28.) An examination of a single set of major contemporary social, political, or economic issues (e.g., environmental ethics, international ethics) in light of ethical and moral principles and values. Warren College students must take course for a letter grade in order to satisfy the Warren College general-education requirement. Prerequisite: Phil./Poli. Sci. 27. 31. Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (4)A survey of classical Greek philosophy with an emphasis on Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, though some consideration may be given to Presocratic and/or Hellenistic philosophers. 32. History of Philosophy: Philosophy and the Rise of Modern Science (4)Beginning with the contrast between medieval and early modern thought, the course focuses on the relation of seventeenth-century philosophy and the emergence of modern natural science. Figures to be studied include Bacon, Galileo, Descartes, Hobbes, Leibniz, and Newton. 33. History of Philosophy: Philosophy between Reason and Despair (4)Introduction to nineteenth-century philosophy, focusing on skepticism about the authority of reason to answer questions about the ultimate meaning and value of human life. Figures discussed may include Kant, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and James.反正也就是社会学、伦理学、逻辑学,当然还有部分数学和心理学课程






现在越来越多的中国高中生选择去美国就读大学本科,而一提到中国和美国的大学教育,很多人也马上会想到应试教育、素质教育、创造性等词眼。普通民众了解到关于美国教育的情况往往是支离破碎的、模糊的,今天就给大家阐述一下美国大学和中国大学究竟有何区别例如,美国中学生的课程很简单,大学入学测试的难度和水平更是只及中国的初中水平。我们却看到美国高中生写出了足以抗衡微软IE的浏览器Firefox。我们只知道美国的教育非常重视创造性教育,却不知道他们的教育更重视培养基本的学术思考能力。为什么美国的大学教育如此自由轻松,却培养了众多各行各业的天才级大师,必须要彻底了解美国大学教育理念以及实践。美国的教育大学本科教育在美国被称作为liberal arts education。给自由男人的教育。这里的自由男人指的是相对于奴隶、工匠等那些听从他人命令进行工作的人。而自由的男人则往往有权选择自己的生活方式和道路。liberal arts education逐渐成为大学教育的代名词,相对于具体的职业教育,liberal education强调对人的教育,它关注的是如何把一个人教育成一个能够独立思考、具有价值观念和道德操守、了解文化差异的健康个体。Liberal education是美国高等教育的特色,它通过对学生的全面教育,培养学生表达能力和分析问题能力。学生需要学习艺术、历史、哲学、人文、社会科学、自然科学等领域内的课程。在接受了足够广泛的学习后,学生根据自身的兴趣选择一个专业方向,但美国的大学教育依然是紧抱传统。美国的大学本科教育一般需要四年时间,也要求学生选择某一特定的专业。中美大学教育存在着本质上的区别。双方对大学教育功能的定位不一样就如其名字liberal education所表达的一样,美国人认为大学本科教育是一个自由人最基本的教育,它帮助一个体成长为一个具有理性思辨能力和批判精神的健全人。而中国的大学教育,由于历史和经济发展水平等诸多原因,还被定位成培养某方面专业人才的专才教育。前者之目标是为了培养健全的个体,而后者之目标在于培养工具式的人才。因此中美大学教育在其他诸多方面也存在着根本性的差别。他们又可以集中地体现在专业选择和课程设置上。中国的大学生在入学前,就已经确定了某一专业并且,就开始学习专业课程。中国的大学课程中,专业课程(包括核心课程和相关课程)至少占到总课程数的60%以上。
